Eshare China Industry Insights blog

Avian flu and drought act as a drag on global compound feed market

The global feed industry grew rapidly for much of the last decade, with output increasing at a CAGR of 8% between 2009 and 2013. However, this progress was almost brought to a shuddering halt in 2013 by the avian flu and BSE epidemics that severely impacted livestock industries around the world.

Another important factor acting as a drag on growth in 2013 was the severe droughts that hit several major corn producing regions including the US the previous year, causing global corn output to fall.

Corn is the most important raw material for compound feed production. The fall in corn output in 2012 disrupted raw material supplies for feed producers in 2013.

China is now the world’s largest producer and consumer of compound feed, taking the place of the US in 2011. In 2013, China produced 191 million tonnes of compound feed, accounting for 19.83% of total global output, though China’s output fell that year due to the avian flu epidemic.

More analysis of the global feed market can found in CCM’s report, Outlook of Global Feed Market. The report provides comprehensive analysis of how the global feed market and related upstream and downstream industries have developed in the last five years, and gives detailed forecasts of how the feed market will develop long-term as well as what investment opportunities these development trends will open up.

The report focuses in particular on:

- Global production and distribution of major feed raw materials, 2009-2013
- Production and consumption of compound feed, 2009-2013
- Analysis of feed production in top ten global producers in terms of output and product varieties, 2009-2013
- Global trade flows of compound feed, 2013
- Development of global livestock industry, 2009-2013
- Supply and demand forecasts for the top ten global feed producers, 2015-2018

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This article was provided by CCM, a leading provider of data and business intelligence on China's chemicals market.

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