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China: what a mess in the power generation enterprises of biomass energy

The clean and renewable biomass energy gets great attention in China after the severe haze in Beijing. Biomass energy is expected to help ease the haze and improve the energy structure in China. However, lacking of standards and supervision from the Chinese government, the biomass energy market is in a mess, influencing the development of the industry, according to analysts CCM.

Source: Bing 

The messy biomass energy market


Biomass energy is listed as clean and renewable energy by the Chinese government, however, with the messy biomass energy market, some biomass fuels are far away from being clear or renewable, which does harm to the whole industry, according to Xiong Jian, CEO of Wuhan, Optics Valley Bluefire New Energy Co., Ltd.


“China is an agricultural country with rich biomass resources” said Chen Rong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


“If it develops well, stalks can be avoided burning openly in the countryside, while in the cities, burning coals can be replaced. Using the biomass resources cannot only increase the income of farmers, but also protect the environment.”


However, the development in the market is quite a mess.


“Take the biomass briquette fuel as an example, it will be a real clear and renewable energy only if the enterprises invest a lot in the process of burning. However, some enterprises just lied to government, as to get the government subsidies without burning the fuels in a renewable way” said Chen.


Actually, in 2008, the Chinese government had once published a policy about the subsidies for the enterprises that used the biomass fuels to generate electricity. According to the policy of Temporary Measures on Subsidy Managements of Energy-utilization of Stalk, the enterprises can get USD21.5 for every ton of stalks to be produced into Biomass Molding Fuel (BMF).


However, some enterprises harvested stalks just to get the subsidies, but the bio fuels they produced didn’t meet the requirement of environment protection law by the Chinese government, according to Xiong. 


In 2014, in the inspection of Guangdong Environment Protection Bureau, it found out that the qualities of the BMF are uneven and the boilers are not standardized, because there were on standards from the government to guarantee the quality of BMF, no guidance to provide the enterprises with pollution control technology, no policies to limit the emission from the boilers of biomass fuels. With such a result, the Bureau didn’t encourage the application of BMF.


BMF is even listed as high-polluted fuel in Beijing. The emission of this kind of fuel can be even cleaner than the emission of the natural gas boilers; however, due to the misuse and lack of supervision on the boilers, the reputation of BMF is being affected, according to an insider from biomass industry.


The side-effect of subsidy


Burning the BMF together with coal to generate electricity is an open secret in some power generation enterprises of biomass energy. They burn stalks in the daytime while secretly burn coal at night, with the purpose of getting the subsidies from the Chinese government.


As mentioned above, in 2008, as to promote the development of BMF, the Chinese government had published Temporary Measures on Subsidy Managements of Energy-utilization of Stalk. After the implement of the policy, the output of BMF rose to 5.5 million tonnes in 2012 from less than 1 million tonnes in 2007.


However, many small-size enterprises without standard management got the subsidies from the Chinese government by cheating, such as making fake invoice and cooking the books. Thus, the government suspended the subsidy policy for using the stalk in 2013.


“It didn’t seem surprised to me” said Ma LongLong, Analyst of Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


“Generating electricity using biomass energy is a good concept; however, it is very difficult for the enterprises to be profitable even with the fiscal subsidy and preferential land policy.”


“The development of biogas very much depends on the supports and subsidy from the government. Compared with the conventional energy resources, the cost of conversion and processing from biogas to electricity is quite expensive. ”


“With the little investment benefit, the industry of biogas will decline if there is no support policy from the government” added Ma.


The sources to generate electricity are woods or even waste of the building materials in some biomass power generation enterprises. Every year, some enterprises just harvest the stalk as the pretence. Some even generate electricity using coals, to deceive the government for the subsidy.


The price of raw material of biomass rises to about USD46.1/tonnes - 53.8/tonnes from USD30.7/tonnes at the very beginning. If it is made into BMF, the current market price is about USD138.4/tonnes, much higher than the price of coal. Also, the fuel value of biomass per unit weight is much lower than that of coal, according to the data from Hubei Energy Bureau.


The persistent high cost


The high cost of biomass energy is one important reason to explain why its development is so difficult. On one hand, the labor cost is high with the expensive fee of collecting and transporting the raw material, because the raw materials of biomass are distributed in the vast rural areas. On the other hand, if biomass energy is used to generate electricity, compared to thermal power, the enterprises just can break even, even with the subsidy.


Power generation enterprises need big scale to reduce the unit costs to be price competitive. However, it takes a lot of money to collect the raw materials of biomass energy because its raw materials are distributed, which may put the power generation enterprises into a dilemma of “more production with more loss”.  


With the low price of purchasing and storage of stalk, the peasants are not enthusiastic to sell the stalks.


“The peasants send me a tractor of stalk. I can only buy them for 200 yuan (USD30.7)” said Liu Changlin, General Manager of Jingmen Jiedebao Straw Co., LTD.


Biomass energy is a seasonal and decentral energy, which it is contradictory to the continuity and centrality of the utilization of biomass energy. With the price advantage of coal, the biomass energy is not quite accepted in the market.


There are about 20 boilers for BMF constructed and operated in Hubei, with the thermal load of about 500t/h, only accounting for only 1% of the total boilers in the whole province.


The high heating price of USD43/t of BMF is the reason for the low amount of boilers for BMF. Though it is lower than the heating price using natural gas boilers, it is still higher than the price of using coal boilers, USD29/t. Without the support from the Chinese government, it is difficult to for it to compete with the cheap coal boilers.


CCM has always been kept following up on the Biomass Energy market. If you would like to know more information about the biomass energy, you could contact us at 86-20-37616606 or email us at


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