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Prevention and Control of Small Size Pests on Fruits and Vegetables in China

China, the largest pesticides producer and consumer in the world, is facing more difficulties in the prevention and control of small size pests, occurring on the fields of fruits and vegetables. The main two problems for Chinese farmers are the lack of sufficient pesticides which effectively counter the pests and a growing resistance to pests due to overuse of common pesticides.

The growing resistance is mainly due to farmers using the same pesticides over and over again. As a result, the insects that are resistant to the pesticide are growing the next generation which is resistant, too. In this way, a growing number of resistant insects is damaging the fields.

CCM’s new market research report analysis nine of the most important small size pests in China and how companies can take them as a chance for business opportunities in the middle kingdom. After all, China’s planting area of fruits and vegetables is rising constantly, counting for the second largest crops behind grain crops in China.

It is worth noticing, that the issue of small size pests on fruits and vegetables is even covered by the Chinese government, which is discussed in national summits like the Summit Forum on Control of Small Size Pests with Serious Chemical Resistance on Fruits and Vegetables. Hence, companies who are contributing to the issue are supported by the government and have good prospects in the countries pesticides market.

Small size pests are generally referring to small insects, such as varieties of whiteflies, leafhoppers, spider mites, and similar ones. Many of the pests are damaging the host plants by sucking the leaf juice or juice from other plants parts, lay eggs near the leaf, or eat the leaves, which in the worst case let the plant die.

The economical damage of small pest diseases on fruits and vegetables in China should not be underestimated. According to CCM’s research, the economic loss can range from 20% to even 50% in severe cases of losses. This damage is devastating for small-scale farmers, who depend on a sufficient harvest.

What's more, vegetables, fruits, and tea production bases have been carried out low toxic bio-pesticides demonstration pilot projects in 9 provinces and more than 40 counties in 2017 in China.

India suspense imports
India has suspended imports of apples, pears and tagetes seeds from China after repeated tests found pests in the incoming shipments.

This is the first instance of Indian authorities banning farm products from China. Apples and pears account for almost 90% of the fruit and vegetables India imports from its neighbour.

“We repeatedly found quarantine pests in apples, pears and tagetes (marigold flower) seeds coming from China. Hence, we have temporarily suspended their imports,” said an official aware of the matter.

About the report
CCM has recently published the new report Prevention and Control of Small Size Pests on Fruits and Vegetables in China. The report covers the importance of the fruit and vegetables farming industry in China and analyses the top small pest diseases with their occurrence scope, the cause of damage, and pesticide treatment.

The report guidelines farmers on the right treatment of fruits and vegetables in China as well as provide international agrochemicals enterprises with the insights into China’s pesticide market for small size pests and hence serves as a fundamental support for best investment decisions in the market. 

Contact our team on or call directly 86-20-37616606 to require for the market research report.


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